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Myspace Layout Help, Myspace Tweaks, Theme Help, Layout Tutorials & more at

Are you having trouble with your Myspace profile? Read the FAQ below for Myspace Tweaks, Layout Help and more.



What is Myspace 1.0?

How to Put Layout Into Myspace 1.0 Profile

How to Delete 1.0 Myspace Layout From Profile

How to Make a Myspace Band/Musician Account

How to Clear Changes or Use the 1.0 Profile Editor

Difference between Myspace 2.0 and 1.0

How to Fix Layout Not Showing Up Correctly in 1.0

Change 1.0 Profile Back to Public

Make 1.0 Profile Private

Can I Make 1.0 Profile Private But My Song Public?

Questions About 1.0 Hide Everything Layouts

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



How to Use Background in 1.0 from a Layout w/out Using All of the Layout

Hide Top Ad and Navigation Bar in 1.0

How To Change Top Menu and Arrow Text Colors in 1.0

How to Hide Myspace Logo and Google Search Bar

How To Make Top Nav Area Skinnier in 1.0

How to Change Blue Color Behind Top Navigation Menu & Ad in 1.0

1.0 Table Names for Reference in Code

Change or Remove Table Border Colors in Myspace 1.0

Hide Table Borders on Only Specific Tables in 1.0

Change or Remove Table Background Colors in Myspace 1.0

Hide Display Name in 1.0

Hide View More Text Link Under Status in 1.0

Hide Date and Time Under Status in 1.0

Hide Myspace Status in 1.0

Hide Extended Network Box in Myspace 1.0

Hide Mood and View My Pics | Videos | Playlists Text and Links

Hide/Remove/Edit Headline in Myspace 1.0

Hide Last Login, Online Now Icon, Age, Sex, Location in Myspace 1.0

Hide Parts of Text Under Headline - Online Now Icon, Last Login, A/S/L, Age

Hide BLOGS Table in Myspace 1.0

Hide LATEST BLOG ENTRY header in Myspace 1.0

Hide Blog Comments

Hide BLURBS Table in Myspace 1.0

Hide Blurbs Header Text in 1.0

Hide About Me & Who I'd Like to Meet Subheaders in 1.0

Style Text in About Me for 1.0

How to make Moving Text (Marquee) in 1.0

Cool Symbols & Letters - Peace Sign, Yin Yang, Etc.

Make Paragraphs and Line Breaks in Myspace Profile Text

Scroll Box in About Me for 1.0

Hide INTERESTS Header Text in Myspace 1.0

Hide Left Text in INTERESTS Box in Myspace 1.0

Hide DETAILS box in Myspace 1.0

Hide FRIENDSPACE Table in 1.0

Hide View All Friends and/or Hide Friend Count in Friendspace in 1.0

Hide SCHOOLS box in Myspace 1.0

Hide Entire Comments Table in 1.0

Show Set Amount of Comments in 1.0

How to Make a Regular Myspace Layout Skinny

URL: Hide Myspace URL in Myspace 1.0

Hide Bottom Links in 1.0

Hide Bottom Copyright Text in 1.0

Fix Stretched Columns/Tables in Myspace 1.0

How to Move All Content on Profile Down to Show More Background

Add Margin to Bottom of Profile to Show Full Background

How to Move Myspace Profile 1.0 Over to Left or Right

Remove Top Corner Ad Link In Layout

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



What is Myspace 2.0? Do I have to Upgrade my Profile?

How to Put Layout Into Myspace 2.0 Profile

How to Delete 2.0 Myspace Layout From Profile

Upgrade Profile to Myspace 2.0

Difference between Myspace 2.0 and 1.0

How to Fix Layout Not Showing Up Correctly in 2.0

Downgrade from Myspace 2.0 Back to 1.0


Reset Myspace 2.0 to Start from Scratch

I Upgraded to Myspace 2.0 and now my old Myspace Layout won't Work?

Musician/Band/Comedian/Filmaker Profiles and Myspace 2.0 - Can we upgrade?

Make 2.0 Profile Private

Questions About 2.0 Hide Everything Layouts

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



Hide All or Parts of Top Section of in Myspace 2.0 - Hide Ad or Nav Bar

How to Use Background in 2.0 from a Layout w/out Using All of the Layout

Style Stream Module & Stream Menu in 2.0

2.0 Module Names for Reference in Code

Hide the Top Ad in Myspace 2.0

Hide View More Text Link Under Status in 2.0

Hide Date and Time Next to Status in 2.0

Change 2.0 Text Font Size, Color, Style, Bold, Underline, Strike Through, Italicize, Underline

Cool Symbols & Letters - Peace Sign, Yin Yang, Etc.

Make Paragraphs and Line Breaks in Myspace Profile Text

Change or Remove Table Border Colors in Myspace 2.0

Add Border Around Mid Section of 2.0 Profile

Replace 2.0 Module Header Text with Image

Hide Entire Sections in Myspace 2.0 - Turn OFF or ON Modules

Change or Remove Table Background Colors in Myspace 2.0

URL: Hide Myspace URL in Myspace 2.0

Hide All or Parts of Basic Info Details Box

Hide Friend Count Text in 2.0

Make 2.0 Profile Skinny

How to Move All Content on Profile Down to Show More Background in 2.0

Add Margin to Bottom of Profile to Show Full Background

How to Move Myspace Profile 2.0 Over to Left or Right

Change Colors in Myspace 2.0 Top Menu

Change or Remove 3 Small Pictures in 2.0 Profiles

Hide Blurbs Header Text in 2.0

Hide About Me Header Text in 2.0

Hide Entire Who I'd Like to Meet Section or Header in 2.0

Hide Last Login in Myspace 2.0

Hide Age in Myspace 2.0

Hide Location in Myspace 2.0

Show or Hide Full Name in Myspace 2.0

Set Amount of Comments to Show in 2.0

Show/Hide Headline In 2.0

Show/Hide Status/Mood in 2.0

Hide General, Music, Movies, Television, Books, Heroes Headers in 2.0 Interests Section

Replace Interests Subheaders in 2.0 with Different Headers

Hide Bottom Links & Copyright in 2.0

Scroll Box in About Me or Interests Section for 2.0

Add Drop Down Box inside 2.0 About Me section

Alternate Comments - Left Aligned Then Right Aligned Alternating

Alternate Background Color Behind Comments, Interests, or Details in 2.0

Add Background Image Behind Display Name

Change Blue Background Color Behind 3 Small Pics and Demographics

Put entire 2.0 Profile Into Scroll Box

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



About Myspace: Who Started it and When

List of Official Celebrity Myspace Pages

Difference Between a Myspace Layout and a Myspace Background

How to Put Music on Your Myspace Profile in the New Music Section

MUSIC PLAYLIST: Edit Myspace Playlist / Remove Song From Playlist

MUSIC PLAYLIST: Make Playlist Auto-Play on Profile

MUSIC PLAYLIST: Make Playlist Randomized

MUSIC PLAYLIST: Turn Off Auto-Play on Other Peoples Profiles

MUSIC PLAYLIST: How to View Profile Song History

MUSIC PLAYLIST: Display or Hide Playlist on Profile

How to Delete Your Myspace Account

View or Reset Profile View Count

Add a Myspace Slideshow to Profile

URL: How to Set Myspace URL

URL: Change Myspace URL

Change Profile Default Picture on Myspace

How to Make 2 Paragraphs Side by Side in Myspace Profile

Change Profile Display Name and/or Real Name in 1.0 and 2.0

How to Add, Remove or Manage Myspace Calendar

Send Messages to More Than 1 Person All At Once

Block Someone on Myspace

UNBlock Someone on Myspace

How to Add Friend If Their Add to Friends Button is Missing

Change Age on Myspace Profile

How to Edit Info in Details Section of Profile

Make a Heart in Myspace Profile Name or About Me

Make Text Link or Image Link Show up on Myspace Profile

Hide or Show the Online Now Icon in 1.0 and 2.0

Can I Add 50 or More People to My Friends List All at Once?

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



What Size to Make Myspace Background

Width of the Top Nav or Top Menu in Myspace 1.0 and 2.0

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



How to Use/Tweak BAND PROFILE LAYOUTS from

How to Put layout in Band Myspace Profile?

How to Make a Myspace Band/Musician Account

Add Band Picture or Logo to Top of Band Profile

How to Hide All or Parts of the Profile Info Box on a Musician Account (Default Picture, Location, Genre, Last Login, View My Pics | Videos)

Musician/Band/Comedian/Filmaker Profiles and Myspace 2.0 - Can we upgrade?

Myspace 2.0 Layout Help with Myspace Profile 2.0



Please let us know if you have issues using any of our designs. To report a layout problem, fill out our contact form.