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Hide Parts of Text Under Headline - Online Now Icon, Last Login, A/S/L, Age


What if I want to hide my Online Now Icon and keep my age, sex, location or hide my location and keep my Age?


If you don't want to remove the entire section below your headline (Online Now Icon, Age, Sex, Location, Last Login), but you want to remove parts of it, try this code below to get the parts you want to show up:

The following code will allow you to erase everything under your headline (Online Now Icon, Age, Sex, Location, Last Login) and then manually add back in your Age, Sex, Location or Last Login, so you can pick which parts you want to show or hide in that little section to the right of your default picture in Myspace 1.0.

Put the following code at the end of your headline text in the headline box in the EDIT PROFILE section of Myspace 1.0:

Edit this code to add your gender, age, city, state, country or last login. Any part of this info that you don't want to show, for instance, say you don't want to show your Last Login but you do want to show everything else in the above code: You would take out the <font class=cc2>Last Login: TODAY</font> and leave everything else. Do the same for the gender or age or location if you want to remove them and keep the rest.

You need to have your headline text filled out when using this code because if you leave that section blank and only add this code, it will leave a quotation mark that you can't remove.

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how can i keep my age but get rid of my online now icon, how do I keep my location and get rid of my last login, manually add in age sex location or last login, in 1.0 profiles, how to hide parts of the section under myspace headline