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Fix Stretched Columns/Tables in Myspace 1.0


Why are the left and/or right columns stretched out too wide in my myspace profile? Why is my screen scrolling from left to right? How do I resize the left and right columns in myspace?


The left and right Myspace columns need to stay a certain width in order to look right and not stretch out. When people add comments to your myspace with images that are too wide it pushes the side edges over and often makes your myspace page scroll from left to right (it is not supposed to do that). Each box you see on your myspace page is called a table. To make your myspace look it's best, you need to set the width of any assets(images, slideshows, etc.) you put into the tables. When you add a slideshow, a youtube video or an image that is too wide it pushes the sides of the tables out and distorts your myspace page. Luckily you can fix these problems by setting the image, video or slideshow width. Below we will explain how to fix the comments section and the right and left columns.

Right Column:

To fix anything you put in the Right column in myspace, make sure that you set the image, video or slideshow width to 416 pixels or less. If the image or slide show is already under 416 pixels then leave it, but if its stretching the table and over 416 pixels then you want to go into the image code that you pasted in when you got the image and add a width command to change the width down to 416.

To change the width of an image in the right column in myspace, find the image code in your edit section in myspace. The image code should look similar to this example code below:

In the above code, just locate the image name and the width and then change the width to 416 or less. If there is no width specified and the word width is not there, just add after the quotations width="416" like the example above.

Left Column:

For any images, slideshows or videos in the Left column, the width should be set in the code for 180 pixels or less. I would move all your slide shows and videos to the Right columns, if possible, because the right column has more room for a wide slideshow or a bigger video. But for any of these items that you want to keep in the Left column follow the instructions below to change the width to 180 pixels or less.

Find the image code in your edit section in myspace. The image code should look similar to this example code below:

In the above code, just locate the image name and the width and then change the width to 180 or less for the left column in myspace. If there is no width specified and the word width is not there, just add after the quotations width="180" like the example above.

Comment Section:

If someones comment is stretching your comments table, the best thing to do is to delete that comment and that table should be fixed as long as you don't have anything else on the right column that is pushing the table out. You can't edit other peoples comments so the only option is to delete ones that are pushing your myspace out of whack.

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


how to resize columns in myspace, change width of myspace columns, why are myspace columns stretched out, why are myspace tables pushed out, how to change column width, why is my myspace page scrolling from left to right, how to fix columns widening, how to fix myspace columns from stretching