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Difference between Myspace 2.0 and 1.0


What is the difference between Myspace 2.0 and 1.0? Is Myspace 2.0 better? Can you compare Myspace 1.0 and 2.0 so I can decide which to use?


There are several differences between myspace 1.0 and myspace 2.0.

First there are differences in the look of Myspace 2.0 and Myspace 1.0:

  • 1.0 has a contact table in the left column with 8 options, Add Me, Favorites, IM/Call, Add to Group, Message, Rank Me, Block Me, Forward to Friend. In Myspace 2.0 most of these options are available in the top blue menu drop down boxes. Only the Myspace URL, Send Message, Add to Friends and Add comment are located in the top box on the right side.

  • The top section in Myspace 1.0 is split with the Profile Name & Picture box on the left and the Extended Network box on the right. In Myspace 2.0 the top section is all one box that goes all the way across the page. This box has the Profile Name, Picture, your status, Myspace URL, Send Message, Add to Friends, Add Comment and a couple small thumbnails that take you to your picture section.

  • In Myspace 2.0 you also have the option of making several horizontal boxes down the page instead of having the 2 split columns on the left and right. There are also other page layouts to choose from, some with 3 columns instead of 2.

Benefits of Myspace Profile 2.0 over Myspace Profile 1.0:

Myspace 2.0 is more customizable:

  • 2.0 offers more flexibility for designing your myspace page if you know how to code website designs.
  • In the Myspace Profile 2.0 editor, you can customize it to look close to the 1.0 style you had.
  • Myspace 2.0 allows you to hide sections of your profile without using special codes, so you don't need to search the web for special MySpace hacks.
  • With Profile 2.0 you can drag and drop any module on your profile to any location, including apps.
  • In 2.0 you can also use basic templates to change the columns and basic 'containers' that hold each module.
  • Myspace 2.0 allows you to have a single open box to make your profile freeform, or to hold any HTML you'd like to input.

Myspace 2.0 offers more privacy:

  • Profile 2.0 is designed so that you can hide or show parts of your profile, rather than making the whole profile public or private. For instance, you can set your profile so that only your top friends can see your calendar or only your work friends can see your networking and company boxes.
  • In Myspace 2.0 can set up friend categories and use them as privacy switches.
  • With Myspace Profile 2.0 you can hide your last login date or age.
  • In the 2.0 Profile Editor you can hide entire sections of your profile from everyone, for instance, if you want your comments and friends list private, while leaving the rest of your profile public or friends only, or viewable to a specific friend category.

Myspace 2.0 is faster:

  • The new profile 2.0 loads faster than myspace profile 1.0.
  • In Myspace 2.0 you can modify each module for faster load time. For instance, in the comments section you can choose to display only 5 or 10 comments (with a small link to see all of them) instead of displaying 50 and making the page load slower.
  • Myspace Profile 2.0 editor is faster to edit and design because you edit info while being able to look at your profile instead of going to a separate edit page to work on it.

Myspace 2.0 is easier to Design and to Control:

  • This is a perk for websites like who need the ability to control the sections of the website in order to design layouts for myspace. It gives us the flexibility to do more with our designs and in turn this benefits you because the designs you use from our website will look more unique.

Cons of Myspace 2.0 over Myspace 1.0:

  • Most myspace layout sites have the majority of their designs ready for Myspace 1.0, so if you already have a layout you really like and its not available in 2.0, then you can't use the 1.0 version if you upgrade to Myspace 2.0. The code is completely different in Myspace 1.0 and Myspace 2.0 so different code has to be made(and sometimes different graphics) for each design to make it work in both. Most layout sites, including ours, are working toward making all their designs available in both, but it's time consuming and could take awhile for all the websites to finish switching them all over.
  • Some people just prefer the separate columns and not having the top box as one big box.
  • Some people are so used to Myspace 1.0 they don't want to learn a new system with Myspace 2.0 and that is understandable.
  • Some codes, for instance marquee codes and some text codes won't work in 2.0. But with time, I'm sure people will come up with new codes for 2.0 that do similar things.

Benefits of Myspace 1.0 over Myspace 2.0:

  • Honestly, there aren't very many benefits to Myspace 1.0 except that most of us are more used to using it and used to how Myspace 1.0 works. Other than that it's poorly coded and a huge pain to code for. I do like the top 2 boxes separated at the top, and the ability to design the contact table in a separate area, but other than that, I think 2.0 is better.

Is Myspace 2.0 better than 1.0?

  • Yes, in is better for everyone because of the flexibility and options it makes available.

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


What is the difference between Myspace 2.0 and 1.0? Is Myspace 2.0 better than 1.0? Compare Myspace 1.0 and 2.0? Why is Myspace 2.0 better? Why did Myspace add 2.0? Questions about Myspace 2.0, Questions about Profile 2.0, 2.0 Profile Help, Myspace 2.0 Help, Should I upgrade to Myspace 2.0, Myspace 1.0 and 2.0 comparisons