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Change 2.0 Text Font Size, Color, Style, Bold, Underline, Strike Through, Italicize, Underline


How do I change the font, font color, font size, text size in Myspace 2.0? How do I make my text in my About me Bold, Underlined, Strike Through, Italics in 2.0?


If you want to know more about how to style your text in the Myspace 2.0 About Me section or Interests section follow the directions below.

If you want to set the font color, font size or font style in the 2.0 layouts, enter the following code into your About Me section for Myspace 2.0 and replace the text with your own text for the About me or Interests sections:

To edit the font size of your text in the above code, replace the number 16px with another number such as 12px.

To edit the font color of your text, replace the word pink and purple with whatever color you want to use. You can also use hexacode numbers for colors such as #000000 (black) or #ffffff (white). Just change the color part of the code to say "#000000" instead of "black". Make sure you use a number sign before the hexacode number/letters for 2.0. If you are just writing the actual color name such as "black" you don't need to include the number sign.

To edit the font style (font family in the above code, examples of font styles are arial, papyrus, tahoma, georgia, etc.) just change the word papyrus to whatever font you like. You can remove that part if you just want to use the default font on the page. If that is the case just remove the font family section of the code.

If you want to add bold, italics, centered, strike through, underlined or other text tweaks for your 2.0 About Me or Interests text here are some below:

While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Myspace Profile Layout Help


Myspace Layout Help with Myspace Profile


How do I change the font size in 2.0 About Me, Codes for changing text size, codes to change font color in 2.0 Profiles, codes to edit font style in Myspace 2.0, How do I make my text Bold, how to make myspace text Underlined, myspace 2.0 codes for Strike Through, Italics in 2.0 myspace