I want an application that will automatically unfriend all the people who've been friends with me for over a year and have never liked or commented on any of my posts or messaged me.
-funny quotes about facebook
I'm so poor that if someone were to try to rob me they would laugh and give me money.
-funny status about money
"Said No One Ever" -Says Everyone all the time...
-clever posts
I don't have health insurance but I do have car insurance so whenever I get sick I just go crash my car into a tree.
-funny witty status updates
I think I might be coming down with a "woman cold", it's sorta like a "man cold", but somehow I can manage to clean, do laundry, and take care of myself.
-funny men and women sayings
Decided to friend my girlfriend on Facebook to get status updates on our relationship.
-funny relationship quotes for facebook