Don't worry, the right person is out there for everyone. You'll probably never find them, or screw it up when you do, but they're out there.
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If the doctor says you only have six months to live, get married immediately. This will make the six months seem like forever.
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Me, trying to explain to my kid what a jukebox was: "You know, kinda like a 700 lb. iPod."
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My girlfriend is like a trampoline. I don't have one...
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Some people come into our lives & leave footprints on our hearts. Others come into our lives & make us wanna leave footprints on their face.
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You gotta love Superbowl Sunday! A day where overweight, middle-aged, balding men sit on their couches, chugging beer and scarfing food, screaming at 20 year old athletes that they're doing it all wrong.
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