You are viewing APRIL FOOLS Statuses for Facebook.
Sorry peeps, but I've had it with Facebook. I'm shutting my account off for good at the end of the day.
-April Fools jokes for fb
Hmm. I sure hope that I can find the bin containing my old maternity clothes in the basement.
-April Fool jokes
Beware: I don't take April Fools jokes well.
-April Fools day facebook status
Wants to remind everyone that April Fools jokes are always funny as long as it's not happening to you.
-April Fools status updates
The day has come when the world is celebrating your name, your fame, your personality and your views. Enjoy it!
-April Fool messages
Change your birthday to April 1st, let everyone wish you a happy birthday and at the end of the day write April Fools, not my birthday!
-April Fools ideas