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Make a Myspace Layout Request - Twitter Background Design Request Form -

If you see a facebook cover, wallpaper, myspace layout or a twitter background on our site that you would like us to transfer to work in another format (such as taking one of our wallpapers and making them fit as a facebook cover or taking one of our myspace layout and changing it to a wallpaper for your phone), fill out the form below and we will do it for free.

If you are looking for a custom facebook cover design for personal or business facebooks, click here for more info.

When you fill out the form below, please provide us a link to the page on our site where the design is that you want transferred to a different format so we will know exactly which design you want us to transfer. You must provide a valid e-mail address or we will not be able to contact you when the design has been transferred for you to use. We will e-mail you back to confirm your e-mail address prior to transferring the design.

You can also give us suggestions of other types of facebook covers or wallpapers or twitter backgrounds you would like to see us make in the future.


E-mail Address:
This must be a valid email address so that we can contact you when the design is ready.

Link to Design from our website, please specify if you want this design transferred to a facebook cover, twitter background or wallpaper:
(Or, you can use the box above to tell us suggestions of designs you'd like to see us make in the future. Thanks!)



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