How do I use the Band Profile Layouts from PROFILErehab? How do I change out the top image to my own logo or band picture? How do I tweak PROFILErehab's Band Profile Layouts to work with my band?
On our site we provide layouts made specifically for Band/Musician/Artist Profiles here. These layouts will only work correctly in BAND/MUSICIAN/ARTIST profiles so don't try to put them in regular myspace 1.0 or 2.0 accounts. Here are detailed directions on how to use these band profile layouts and some tweaks you can do to customize them for your band.
To use one of these band/musician layouts, click on the band layout you like and grab the 1.0 code and put it into the Bio section of your band profile (click for detailed directions). Please read the theme notes for each band profile layout (look below the layout code on the layout details page) to see any important directions we might have for that specific layout.
If you picked a band layout from our site with an image at the top of the layout, you can replace that image with your own band logo or band picture. To do this, follow these directions below:
First make sure the image you are using to replace our top image is around 790 pixels. It can be wider but if you want to make sure everyone can view it, then around 790 pixels is a good width.
Once you have your own band logo or band picture ready, upload it to a free image hosting site or a paid hosting site and get the URL(the link, for example: of the image.
Now look into our band profile code and find the section towards the top that says ".head".
Replace our image URL in that section with your Image URL.
Here is an example of the .head section in one of our codes:
The url is located where it says:
background: url( no-repeat center top
Just replace the "" with your own image url.
Now you need to make necessary adjustments to the .head section to fit your image.
Change the numbers in "width: 914px;" and "height: 500px;" to the width and height of your image.
Change the numbers in "margin-left: -415px;" to adjust where the image sits horizontally. If you make the negative number higher it will move to the left, if you make the negative number lower (or a positive number) it will move to the right.
If you see a margin-left: and a _margin-left in the .head section of one of our codes, just remove the _margin-left when you replace the url.
Next you need to adjust where you want the myspace ad to start, by moving the myspace ad and whole profile text areas up or down. Find the "body" section of your layout code. Here is an example of the body section:
In the above code, adjust the padding-top number to move your profile up or down so that you can see enough of your top image before the myspace ad on your band profile begins.
While you are here, check out some of our myspace layouts. Don't forget to Like Us on facebook and follow us on Twitter!
- How to Make a Myspace Band/Musician Account
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